Monday, March 10, 2008

Hollywood Pictures 2

-Before u want to do anything using Hjsplit....u should download the files.
-These files have an extension with .001,.002......depends on the number of files.
-These files are shown below in below image which i got from other site..

-Save all the files in a same directory.
-Lol now u need the Hjsplit.

-Download Code:
-Unzip it and open the executable file Hjsplit.

-Click on join.

-Click on Input file and choose the file with extension ".001".

-Now click on start button.Now the program will join all the files downloaded sure to free Hard disk space required by your Game.

-When the progress completed its should find your joined file in the same directory.

-Nothing more ..........njoy!!...

-We can also join the files by using Hj join...